An outlet for someone who simply likes gazing upwards.
Hey! I'm Nishank. Welcome to my personal blog, where I write about stuff that's occupying my mind, or stuff that's occupying my heart.
- Second hand grief and questions musings
- An Ode to Spiderman: No Way Home appreciation movie
- An Ode to One Piece appreciation
- Guwahati musings
- Stargazing musings
- The Commodification of Tradition musings
- Self-confidence musings
- An Ode to Divinity: Original Sin II appreciation gaming
- Drive (or lack thereof) musings
- An Ode to Horizon: Zero Dawn appreciation gaming
- Stumbling upon Neverwhere musings appreciation
- Sleep musings
- Running musings
- Distractions musings
- An Ode to Dota appreciation gaming
- Twilight musings
- Sunrises experience
- Kolkata experience appreciation
- Bangalore experience appreciation
- Origins musings