Posts with the tag: experience

Witnessing naivete

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The other day I came across a baby on the bus. I was heading back to the City Center after watching… Puss in Boots 2, I believe. Incredible movie, would recommend it to anyone and everyone. The animation, the emotional beats, a truly frightening antagonist… oof. But I digress. This piece isn’t about the Stabby Tabby. It’s a piece prompted by seeing a particularly cute and oh-so-cheerful baby on the bus.


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Originally written on 03.04.2020 I was never one for sunrises. It took me, what, almost 20 years to open my eyes and appreciate the magic witnessing a sunrise brings within. Looking back, staying up to witness the sunrise back in college led to memories that are etched in my mind, as if set in stone. I’ve stayed up and watched the first rays of the sun wash over the world with a variety of people.


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Originally written on 10.08.2019 Kolkata. Man, I’m unsure how to start this. At first glance, the city appears to be torn into two: one half of it trying to sluggishly cling to a colourful past, while the other is trying to come to terms with an ever changing present. It took me close to 6 months to realise that the city thrives with one foot each in both these disparate worlds.


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Originally written on 04.02.2019 Bangalore has been great to me. There’s something about the city that gives it this air of friendliness, something about the city that’s welcoming to all sorts of people. There have been times when I’ve been surrounded by people speaking a language alien to me, and yet not felt out of place. To me, what stands out to me is the fact that the city can simultaneously be modern as well as old fashioned simultaneously, be it in terms of the people or even in terms of what you find in the city itself.