

Originally written on 29.08.2020

These moments of solitude have been fleeting as of late.

There’s always something niggling away at the back of my mind, something that takes the beauty away from the quiet all around.

A hush settles over the world in these twilight hours, bringing with it a sense of calm people haven’t been experiencing recently. Traffic begins to slow down as the rush hour passes, kids stop their playing, the market begins to wind up for the day.

With the lack of these sounds, new ones come into the fray.

The light tinkle of wind chimes, as the evening breeze washes away the struggles of the day. The soft chirping of crickets, implying the passing of the sun. The slight flap of laundry being taken back inside after drying. The soft footsteps of people going out for their evening walks, sometimes alone, sometimes in groups. Trees murmuring their secrets in a language only they can comprehend.

It’s these sounds that prove to be calming company when I’m alone with my thoughts.

Shades of twilight

Times like these, when I’m standing alone on my balcony with the wind rustling my hair remind me how important it is to take time out to simply breathe in.

Avatar photo I'm a data analyst by trade, who's always been a fan of the written word. Fandoms have kept me company when no one else has. Someday I'll have a book of my own. I'm on Twitter! If you like reading my words, or felt that you relate to them even a tiny bit, consider buying me a coffee! Twitter Tweet
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