Originally written on 03.04.2020
I was never one for sunrises. It took me, what, almost 20 years to open my eyes and appreciate the magic witnessing a sunrise brings within.
Looking back, staying up to witness the sunrise back in college led to memories that are etched in my mind, as if set in stone.
I’ve stayed up and watched the first rays of the sun wash over the world with a variety of people. Some people I still talk to, and some have drifted apart. The experience remains, and for that I’ll always be grateful.
One of my most precious memories is way back, in my 3rd year. I was lounging about in my favorite spot in college, @gossamer_walled and @in_transit ‘s room, being aimless with them, along with @manvendra03 and @widget_k . The details are a bit hazy to me, but that evening hang out session quickly started turning into an all nighter, with everybody discussing a little bit of everything, really. We spoke about the wonders of the cosmos, the pros and cons of religion, and utterly baseless crap that is best left out of the public domain. I remember discussing spooky experiences near the SNU lake when it’s dark. There was something truly magical in the air then, magic that seems to be lacking in the world right now. Of course, we went out to the lake, trying our best to stay awake, but also being aware of the value of the memories being experienced at the time. Just a bunch of lads sitting in solace, witnessing the birth of a new day. There was this… Inexplicable euphoria in each of us back then, something neither of us was able to express. While walking back to our rooms, basking in the glory of the moment we stopped, and I’m not sure who it was, but someone did a cartwheel. That’s right, a cartwheel. One thing led to another, and well, that’s the story of how a bunch of nerds cartwheeled with only the sun as witness.
Why’d I write this? I realised I’d be attending an alumni meet today, something I’ve been looking forward to. That’s not happening, but the sentiment remains. (Also none of the photos are of sunrises because I couldn’t find a decent one on my phone. Ironic eh?)